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  • +27 747330294

South Africa Election 2024

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Speak Out Africa Initiative, supported by ACES, successfully observed the 2024 South Africa National and Provincial Elections, ensuring a transparent and fair electoral process. Our comprehensive report highlights key findings and recommendations for future improvements.

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ACES Gets Accreditation by the Rwanda National Electoral Commission (NEC)

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Deploys Pan-African Election Observation Mission (EOMs) team to 2024 Rwanda Presidential and Parliamentary Election slated for July 15.

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Advancing African Political Participation

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ACES is dedicated to increasing african's participation in politics. Our recent initiatives focus on training, mentoring, and supporting candidates to ensure inclusivity in political representation.

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Electoral Technology Innovations

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In response to the growing need for secure and efficient voting systems, ACES has been exploring and advocating for the adoption of cutting-edge electoral technologies. Our recent report outlines the benefits and challenges of implementing these innovations.

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